Introduction: DIY Accelerometer Based Controller

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And we’re back with another DIY gaming project! As always, playing with something made with your own hands is always an out-of-the-world experience! First, it was a DIY Game Controller; now it’s time for a DIY Joystick using Accelerometer!

This time we’re going to make a DIY Joystick using an accelerometer using which you can control a robotic arm, an entire robot, and even play many games!

Ready to transform your gaming experience?

Then begin right away!

Step 1: Things You'll Need:

The first two electronic component can be available in evive. With the help of which the number of projects can be made. Also, if you want to own more electronic components and make even more projects, Starter Kit is also available. As there are lots of projects listed on Instructables which are made with the help of it.

Step 2: Assembly

We have interfaced the accelerometer with our 2 previously made robots. Whose assembly you can find on the link given below.

  1. Mobile Robot
  2. Robotic Arm
    And will also use as:
  3. A Game Controller

The above Mobile Robot project can be easily made with the help of Starter Kit. And not just this project, many more projects can be made from it, some of which are even listed on Instructables.

Similarly, the Robotic Arm Kit provides you with interesting projects such as Pick and Place Robot, Sketching Robot, etc.

The catch here is that we will be using the accelerometer to control the movements of robots or the game sprite. The Accelerometer cannot be just held in hands.
Thus, we are using a 3D printed holder.
We have attached the Accelerometer on the top of the holder.

With this, we have completed our assembly part.

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Step 3: About Accelerometer

An Accelerometer is a device used to measure the acceleration, which is nothing but the change in velocity with respect to time. To be precise, the accelerometer we use here measures the change in the gravitational acceleration.

To know about it works visit:

Step 4: Logic:

As we know, our sensor can respond in specific values to any tilt or movement in its x, y, or z-axes. We will be using this property and will assign specific actions for each change.

  • In Mobile Robot:
    • Tilt Forward – Robot moves Forward
    • Tilt Backward – Robot moves in Reverse Direction
    • Tilt Right – Robot turns Right
    • Tilt Left – Robot turns Left
    • No Tilt – Brake
  • In Robotic Arm:
    • Tilt Forward – Base Servo will turn Left
    • Tilt Backward – Base Servo will turn Right
    • Tilt Right – Link Servo will turn Right
    • Tilt Left – Link Servo will turn Left
    • No Tilt – Stop
  • As Game Controller
    • Tilt Forward – Jump / Space
    • Tilt Backward – Shoot / Shift
    • Tilt Right – Game Sprite will move Forward
    • Tilt Left – Game Sprite will move Backward
    • No Tilt – Stop

Step 5: Circuit Diagram for Mobile Robot

The circuitry is for the Mobile Robot is shown:

Step 6: Circuit Diagram for Robotic Arm

The circuitry for the Robotic Arm is as shown:

Step 7: Circuit Diagram As Game Controller:

The connection for how the Accelerometer to be used as Game Controller is shown:

Step 8: Arduino Code for Mobile Robot:

The following code should be followed for driving the Mobile Robot.

To know more about Arduino visit here:

Step 9: Arduino Code for Robotic Arm:

To control the Robotic Arm / Pick and Place Robot with the accelerometer, we should write the following code.

Step 10: Code for Game Controller:

Here we will be using Processing along with Arduino.

Once the key is pressed, Arduino assigns the number to it according to the code.

We use processing as the interface between Arduino and the PC.
Arduino then sends the signal number to Processing. Eg., when we press UP key.
Arduino sends ‘1.’ to Processing.
Processing performs the action that it corresponds too.

Make sure that you change the COM port in the processing. The COM port should be similar to the COM port in the Arduino.

The Arduino code is as below:

The Processing Code can be downloaded from the link given below:

You can download evive library by clicking the link below:

Step 11: Conclusion

With this, your DIY Joystick using accelerometer is ready! Now you can have double the fun playing your favorite games!

To explore more projects, visit: