Introduction: DIY Arduino Load Bank Lipo Storage/Discharger Station

Sometimes you charge your lipos but didn't flew, so you need storage the lipos.
I found in the flite test website one simple project, so my project basically its a remix.

My changes:

Added a SSD relay;

More Load resistor;

Cooler fan;

XT60 and balance connectors;

Small change in the code for better storage voltage value.

Step 1: Material

Step 2: Circuit Diagram

Step 3: Building

Position all components in your own box.

Put the load resistors into the dissipator.

Wiring the leds and resistors to arduino.

Solder the 10K resistor to balance connector.

Wiring all wires from balance connector to arduino.

Step 4: Arduino Code

Step 5: Video

Thanks for watching.

Any question, please comment.

Step 6: Original Project From Flite Test