Introduction: DIY Arduino Nano !
In this instructable, I will show you how to make your very own Arduino Nano.
The Arduino Nano is a small & breadboard-friendly based on the ATmega328P Chip. It has more or less the same functionality of the Arduino Duemilanove but in a different package. It lacks only a DC power jack and works with a Mini-B USB cable instead of a standard one.
I would like to Thank Arduino for their contributions to the community and a huge Thanks for keeping it Opensource
So let's get Started!
Step 1: Watch the Video !
If you don't want to read all the stuff you can watch my video.
Step 2: Everything We Need
Here is the Part List -
1) Atmega 328P-AU -
2) 16MHz Resonator (CSTCE16M0V53-R0) -
3) Resistor Pack 2X4 - 1k ohm (0603) -
4) AMS1117 5V Regulator -
5) FT232RL - FTDI Chip USB to UART -
6) LED Yellow,Green & Red (0603) -
7) 500mA fuse (0603) -
8) 100nF Capacitor (0603) -
9) 4.7uF Capacitor (1206) -
10) 1uF (0603) -
11) B2 Diode -
12) USB mini Port -
Step 3: Circuit & PCB
Design schematic diagram in EDA tool
List of EDA Tools :
- EasyEDA
- Proteus PCB Design
You can select any one of them. I prefer EasyEDA Software.
But if you want to design faster grab the Eagle file from
Import it and you are done!
And since This PCB was difficult to make at home even using CNC. I opted to order them online at
Step 4: Soldering !
SMD Soldering is quite different than traditional THT soldering, Here is a quick Tip on soldering (Tutorial Coming soon)
- Place PCB on Flat surface
- Hold it in place using tape
- Clean it using Alcohol
- Set Solder station to 380°C
- Heat PCB a bit
- Let it cool a bit
- Apply Solder paste using a toothpick or Syringe
- Place Component on paste
- Start heating up the component from all sides
- If you have shorted Pins due to excess Solder Paste use solder wike and remove it
Repeat this process for all the components
Step 5: Burn Bootloader
What's a bootloader?
Microcontrollers are usually programmed through a programmer unless you have a piece of firmware in your microcontroller that allows installing new firmware without the need of an external programmer. This is called a bootloader.
If you go into the Arduino IDE you will see an example sketch called ‘Arduino as ISP.’ If you upload this code to your Arduino, it will basically act as an AVR programmer. Using it upload the Boothloader.
If you want to learn more about uploading bootloader to Arduino wait for my next tutorial
or else you can watch this video -
Step 6: Thank You !
This Project is Complete!
You might think I'm an idiot building Arduino Nano at home but let me tell you its fun soldering SMD Components :P
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