Introduction: DIY Arduino Nano Shield
Hello Guys!! This DIY is for making an expansion of your Arduino Nano using a couple of tools and instruments present at your worktable and at a very few couple of dollars.This DIY came to my mind while I was working upon some project and has to use a breadboard for using extra pins and the breadboard acquired a large space..
This can be used on various projects and you will also not need any modifications while using it..
Step 1: Materials Required
#1 Arduino Nano
#2 PCB
#3 Soldering Iron
#4 Male-Female Pins
#5 Male-Male Pins
#6 Soldering Wires
#7 Insulated conducting wires(for making connections)
#8 7805 voltage regulator IC(for working of arduino and other devices)
#9 Female DC jack(for providing power to arduino)
#10 9volt batteries or 12v power supply using adapter
#11 Male DC jack pin
Step 2: 7805 Voltage Regulator IC
7805 voltage regulator IC is a
transistor device which is use to step down or decrease a DC voltage of certain amount to DC 5volts. This IC is used as it reduces any DC voltage from its input value to 5 volts using its internal transistence.
It is also used here in this DIY as it reduces the voltage from 9volt or 12volts to 5 volts much more efficiently than a using a resistance..
The 78XX represents the IC that is used to regulate voltage supply. The last two digits provides us the information of the output voltage..
The minimum required voltage or threshold voltage for a 78XX voltage regulator IC is= Output voltage+1.5volts
Step 3: DC Jack Pins
Here we are using DC jack pins to
supply power.. The two initial pins in the female ones are determined as the negative ones while the last one is used for positive ones.
Step 4: Power Supply
For supplying power to the arduino we
will be using a 9volt battery or a 12 volt adapter along with a 7805 voltage regulator IC for a controlled 5volt supply to the arduino.
For this the input pin of the 7805 IC is connected to the positive plate or wire of the female jack pin..The Groung of the IC is connected to the negative or ground of the DC jack pin and the ground of the arduino using voltage divider..The output pin of the IC is connected to the 5volt ppin of the Arduino..
Step 5: Circuit
The circuit is quiet simple… First we insert the arduino nano in the male-female pins and then solder it in the PCB.
Now all we have to do is insert the male-male pins in the PCB and solder it according to circuit with each other. Now we will insert the male-male pins in the PCB Board and solder them along each other as per the circuit drawn.But keep in mind that soldering should be done carefully otherwise it may short-circuit the Arduino.
Step 6: Arduino Nano Shield
The final product is going to end up like this.. I used soldering iron of wider gauge bit you can use the one with narrower gauge for your comfort.
The Arduino Nano Shield is used mostly for the purpose of distribution of power from the Arduino.. But in this type of Arduino Nano Shield we can use it to take variety of input at one pin of the arduino itself thus reducing the number of Arduino boards and also reducing the complex algorithms in a program of Arduino board.
Step 7: Working and Use
The shield works on the basic principle of networks in the electrical and is just an extension of the signals of the arduino. It can be used in the places where there is required to take a variety of inputs at the same time reducing the number of Arduino boards and the algorithm of the program.. It can be used in Line Follower+Ultrasonic+Light dependent bots which require a large algorithm to operate and also number of pins of the Arduino can not be satisfied..