Introduction: DIY Audio Switch (HiFi)

About: I'm a Technology-Freak from Germany. Hobbys are HiFi, Computers and my little Workshop. Actually my Projects are Raspberry-based.

I've made an HiFi Audio Switch by myself. I've created the Alu-Plates with a CAD-Software and they where produced by a CNC-Company. I have assembled everything at home.

I haven't gone the cheap way, it was the way with best Quality of optical and technical Specs. There was nothing to buy with this Quality.

I have done ist because i had Loudspeakers from Nubert with a ATM Tuning-Module which must be connected between the Signal and the Amplifier and my Amplifier had no PreOut and MainIn.

Step 1: The Building of the Switch in Pictures.

Pictures are telling more than 1.000 words.

Step 2: Switch Is Selled a Few Month Ago.

Now i have selled the Switch, i bought a new Amplifier and build in a MainOut which wasn't there from Factory.