Introduction: DIY Bass BookShelf Speaker
Hey! everyone My name is Steve
Today I’m Gonna show how I Build this BookShelf Speaker with Bass Radiator for boosting the bass performance, the bass I get with this little 3” midbass driver is impressive as well as mid
And higher frequency handled by a neodymium dome tweeter
This is a Budget build but the Sound Quality I get is really Good
In future, I decided to use this Speaker as 2.1 Audio Setup by adding a Separate Subwoofer
So, Stay tuned for Little Subwoofer Build
Click Here to See The Video
Let's Start
Step 1: Features
Input Power
- 25watt RMS
- 4Ω
Frequency Response
- 81-20000 Hz
- 2Way Crossover
Step 2: Thing I've Used
LCSC For Components
- Resistors -
- Capacitors -
- Inductors -
LCSC 8$ OFF on your first order -
- 3” MidBass Driver -
- 2.5" Tweeter -
- 2 Way Crossover -
- Passive Radiator -
- Electric Nail Gun -
- Wood Trimmer -
- Soldering Iron -
- Silicone Feet Bumper -
15% OFF Coupon code: BGPowerTool15
13%OFF Coupon code: BGE13
- 3” MidBass Driver -
- 2.5" Tweeter -
- 2 Way Crossover -
- Passive Radiator -
- Electric Nail Gun -
- Wood Trimmer -
- Soldering Iron -
- Silicone Feet Bumper -
- 3” MidBass Driver -
- 2.5" Tweeter -
- 2 Way Crossover -
- Passive Radiator -
- Electric Nail Gun -
- Wood Trimmer -
- Soldering Iron -
- Silicone Feet Bumper -
Step 3: Sponsor
Today's Article is Sponsored by
They are the Largest Electronics Components Supplier From China Ready to Ship within 4 Hours and they ship World Wide
Step 4: Crossover
Now Talking About This Crossover this is a 2 Way Crossover that means it’ll separate frequency for 2 Drivers
- Mid-bass driver support frequency up to 5kHz
- Tweeter support frequency 3khz to 20Khz
Step 5: Cutting
I used 12mm MDF and used my Table saw Bosch GTS10J to cut it
- 10 x 19 cm 2 Pieces Front & Back Panel
- 11.6 x 19 cm 2 Pieces Side Panel
- 7.6 x 11.6 cm 2 Pieces up and down Panel
Note - Please see the images for better understanding
Step 6: Wood
These are the final pieces for making 2 Boxes
- 10 x 19 cm 2 Pieces Front & Back Panel
- 11.6 x 19 cm 2 Pieces Side Panel
- 7.6 x 11.6 cm 2 Pieces up and down Panel
Note - Please see the images for better understanding
Step 7: Cutting for Passive Radiator
First, I've marked the Diameters for the Passive Radiator the Radiator size is 90x60mm
I used a drill with 6mm drill bit and drilled 4 holes at each corner and used a Jigsaw to cut the rectangle
and used a file to clean the edges and used a router to round over using round over bit
Note - Please see the images for better understanding
Step 8: Gluing Passive Radiator
I used a rubber adhesive to glue the passive radiator and it took around 1 hour to stick properly
Note - Please see the images for better understanding
Step 9: Final Assembly
I used wood glue and used my new electric nail gun to punch the nails
Nail Gun
This is the first time I'm using a nail gun before I was thing fo using a nail gun but I was not having any air compressor but I found an Electric Nail gun and i got excited and bought one and used it and it's amazing
Note - Please see the images for better understanding
Step 10: Cleaning the Edges
First, I used Flush Trim Bit to flush all the over edges
and then used a Round Over bit to round the edges
See the results
Note - Please see the images for better understanding
Step 11: Sanding
I applied wood filler and then used a Sander to clean the rough surface
Note - Please see the images for better understanding
Step 12: Making Speaker Holes
As you can see the images I used a router to make the holes to flush fit The Driver
Note - Please see the images for better understanding
Step 13: Making Back Terminal Hole
I used a Drill machine with a hole saw bit to cut the hole
Note - Please see the images for better understanding
Step 14: Panting
I have gone with black and this is a Speaker Cabinet Paint it gives a rough texture I applied it using a paint roller
Matt Black looks Fantastic
Note - Please see the images for better understanding
Step 15: Soldering
I used a soldering iron to solder 4 wire
Note - Please see the images for better understanding
Step 16: Final Assembly
First, I've inserted the Crossover panel and tighten up the screws
And then inserted the Tweeter wire and midbass wire
And the tighten up the screws
Note - Please see the images for better understanding
Step 17: Legs
I put 4 rubber legs "pad" to the bottom
Note - Please see the images for better understanding
Step 18: Finished
Plug the amplifier and just play and enjoy
That's all for today guys!
You Just Made It
Thank you for visiting my Instructables Stay tuned for next Projects