Introduction: D.I.Y Bike Chain Fidget Spinner

How to make a DIY bike chain fidget spinner

D.I.Y Fidget spinner: this bike chain fidget spinner is fun and easy to create. The best part is there's no budget. You are encouraged to use old bike chains and old materials. I for sure enjoyed making this, and I hope you do too!

Step 1: Materials

For step one you will need:

  • 11 chain sections
  • pliers
  • 2 zip ties
  • skateboard barring (can be old)
  • fidget spinner caps optional

Step 2:

connect all eleven bike chain links

Step 3:

Put bearing in center circle of the chain links

Step 4:

slip the two zip ties through the outer section of the chain links

Step 5:

Slowly tighten the chain links around the baring then snip the access parts of the zip ties

Step 6:

Make sure it looks like this

Step 7:

Then if you want you may add the fidget spinner caps

Step 8:

Enjoy your new fidget spinner