Introduction: DIY Bluetooth Speaker Output

Add a 3.5mm output to a bluetooth speaker

Step 1: Things You Will Need

1. Bluetooth Speaker

2. Soldering Iron/Solder

3. Spare 3.5mm jack with cord attached

4. Scissors

5. Screw Driver

6. Wire Strippers

7. Shrink Tube (optional)

Step 2: Open Up Bluetooth Speaker

Find a way to open up the speaker. You will probably need a Screw Driver. Once open, find the circuit board.

Step 3: Cut and Strip the Wire for the Audio Connections

Using Scissors or Wire Strippers carefully strip the audio wire. MAKE SURE IT IS NOT THE POWER.

Step 4: Strip the Wire on the Audio Jack Ending

Agin, Do this step carefully, strip and separate the wires

Step 5: Connect the Matching Wires Together and Solder

Some of the wires could be different colors but jest test them to find out.

Step 6: Add Shrink Tube (optional)

And, Your done! Screw the speaker back together and Enjoy!