Introduction: DIY Book Box Vault
This is a DIY tutorial on a secret book box.
Step 1: Materials
for this project you will need:
Elmer's Glue
Utility knife
Small book that you don't need
Paper Towels
Sponge brush
Self healing mat or newspaper
Step 2: Glueing
Pour glue in the pallet until it reaches the brim. Then, Using the sponge brush, Lay a medium coat of glue on the block of pages. After that, put two erasers under only the top cover of the book, and then press it under a few heavy books for twenty minutes.
Step 3: Start Cuttting
After twenty minutes, the pages should stick together in a block and look like this. Draw a rectangle around the first page, about a centimeter away from the edges, then cut on the lines with the knife.
Step 4: Cut On!
Keep cutting down, and cutting down, until you find a good place to stop.
Step 5: Close to Done...
It should now look like this from the outside. Now, squeeze glue out, again to the brim, and lightly layer it on the inside of the book, but keeping the bottom page clear of glue.
Step 6: Finishing...
Now, There will probably be a gap in the outside layer of the book, so glue it back together and press it like you did in one of the first steps, but for more stability, a third eraser in the middle will help the pressing. For twenty minutes again, press it under books.
Step 7: You're Done!
Though your workspace may look like this, it was probably worth it! All you need to do now, it get a paper towel a little damp, and wipe off the edges and maybe the inside too.
Step 8: Finished
Press the book overnight, and in the morning it is dry, and complete! I hope you liked the tutorial, and enjoy the secret book safe!