Introduction: DIY Braided Nail Art

About: A software engineer by profession, and a DIY'er by passion.

This Nail Art requires no tool and its very easy for beginners. But the final result is beautiful.

Step 1: Materials Required:

Just 3 colors of your choice.. Thats it (Didn’t I mention that this Art does not require any tool!!)

Step 2:

Arrange the colors one behind the other – Color 1, Color 2, Color 3 – C1, C2,C3.
This will help you in applying the polish clearly.

Start with a base coat. I chose light pink (color1 – C1).

Step 3:

Now move the color C1 to the last. The order now is C2 C3 C1
Now apply a stroke of grey color (C2) diagonally and move the color C1 to the end. It does not have to be thin or perfect.

That’s the beauty of this art.

Step 4:

Now move the color C2 to the last. The order now is C3 C1 C2
Now apply a stroke of Neon Pink color (C3) diagonally int he opposite direction like a short and wide “X”. The order now is C3 C2 C1.

Step 5:

Now move the color C3 to the last. The order now is C1 C2 C3
Now apply the pink color (C1) slightly overlapping the the grey color (C2).

Step 6:

Now move the color C1 to the last. The order now is C2 C3 C1
Now apply Grey Color (C2) diagonally overlapping the Neon pink color (C3) in the same direction as Neon color(C3).

Step 7:

Now move the color C2 to the last. The order now is C3 C1 C2
The next step is to apply Neon Pink color (C3) overlapping the pink color(C2) on the opposite side.

Step 8:

Now move the color C3 to the last. The order now is C1 C2 C3
Now apply the base color light pink (C1) overlapping the grey color (C2).

Step 9:

Now move the color C1 to the last. The order now is C2 C3 C1
Now apply the grey color (C2) overlapping neon pink color(C3). Similar to step 1

Step 10:

Now move the color C2 to the last. The order now is C3 C1 C2
Now this is the last step, apply neon pink color (c3) overlapping the pink color (C1). Similar to step 2

Step 11:

Seal it with top coat for the art work to stay long. You can stop/add brushing according to your nail length.

Please vote for me if you like my nail art! :) ("Hair & Make up challenge")