Introduction: DIY Camera RIG
Hey y'all!! this is a quick walkthrough of how i made this cheap ass camera rig that can stabilize your DSLR in 2 axis. it uses mostly resources you can get in most hardware shops. So yep! lets get to it!
Drill/Drill bit (6 mm,4 mm, 12 mm)
Solvent Cement
pipes (1 inch Diameter) - 3.5
meters Elbow - 4
T joint - 12
Converter (1 - 1.5 inch) - 2
Ball bearings- 2(size)
Foam sheets
Nuts and Bolts (4 mm , 6 mm, 10 mm)
Mild steel(MS) strips
Mild steel plate
Wooden strips
Step 1: Making the Frame.
Cut PVC pipes to lengths as shown in the figure.Cut using an hacksaw blade or a Band-saw if you have one. Sand the edges to a slight taper for proper fitting.
For the Extender pipe, fit a piece of foam inside. This will hold the bearing assembly.
Assemble the pieces as shown. Once its all snug fit, we'll use solvent cement to fix all joints permanently in the very end.
Step 2: Making the Cradle.
Cut out a strip of (1.25 x 20 inch) from MS. Bend it at right angle as shown in the figure. Drill holes where the bolt goes in and holds. use a (10 mm) bolt to tighten the bearings to the cradle strip. This Cradle should stabilize our camera in Z(up-down) axis Repeat same on the other end. Drill 2 more holes as shown, this is where we fix the camera mount.
Step 3: Making the Weight Holder.
Cut out another strip (1.25 x 16 inch) of MS and then drill holes as shown in the picture.
weld another bolt to a weight. this will facilitate in adding more weights for better stabilization.
Step 4: Making the Calibrator and Camera Mount
Cut out a plate from MS as shown in figure. Sand the edges to remove sharp splinters. Cut out the strip for sliding the weight holder.
Cut out out a piece of (1.25 x 4.25 x 0.25 inch) drill holes in in the plank piece and conjoin the holes with the holes made on the cradle.
Fix them together using 4 mm Screws and bolts.
Step 5: Assembly
Fix the Camera mount to the cradle.
Add foam for softer base for camera.
Slide in the Cradle to the frame, with the bearings inside the converter sockets. Once this is done, you can go ahead and solvent cement all the joints firmly and tightly..
Finally, attach the weight holder in the slider hole. you can use the 6 mm nuts and bolts for this. If the DSLR is pointing down due to lens weight, adjust the slider to calibrate the camera pointing direction.
Paint the whole thing!!
Last, find another 6 mm bolt, put it through the center hole in the cradle to mount the camera directly on to the cradle.
Step 6: Get Shooting!!
Feel free to use it in various different orientations and modes. Explore what works for you best!!
have fun!