Introduction: DIY || Clap Controlled Room Light

Ever wondered to control your Home Appliances with a CLAP? Then you are at right place!

Here, I am going to show you how you can control any Home Appliance be it - Room Lights, Fan, Television or Audio System with just a Clap.

This project is based on the Clap ON - Clap OFF circuit which turns the load (here, Home Appliance) ON on first clap and turns it OFF on second clap.

Step 1: Materials Required

To make this project, we require:

  • IC 4017
  • Relay (6V)
  • Condenser Microphone
  • Transistors – BC 547 (3)
  • Resistors – 330 Ω, 1 K Ω(2), 100 K Ω
  • Diode – 1N4007
  • Switch
  • LED
  • Battery (9V) and Battery Clip
  • Wires
  • PCB
  • Cardboard
  • Paper

Major Tools required:

  • Soldering Iron and Solder Wire
  • Hot Glue Gun

Step 2: Circuit Diagram

This circuit is basically Clap ON - Clap OFF circuit which can be built using either IC 4017 or 555 Timer IC.

Here, I am making with IC 4017. If you want to make using 555 Timer IC then follow the circuit discussed here.

Step 3: Step-by-Step Tutorial