Introduction: DIY Computer Case Badge!
If you've ever bought or built a computer you've probably seen the neat little stickers/badges that are on the front or that come with certain parts. They are a nice little accessory that some like to have to show off what's inside their computer or anything else they might like. I recently built a computer but was not pleased that my graphics card did not come with any case badge. I considered buying one but I didn't see any that resembled what I was looking for. I thought all was lost, but after examining some other badges I had I realized it couldn't be to hard to produce my own.
Step 1: Collecting Supplies
For this Instructable the supply list is quite short.
You will need:
1) Pair of scissors (Fairly heavy duty)
2) 8.5x11 Photo Paper (Glossy Printer Paper)
3) 2 Part Epoxy
4) Tooth Pick
5) Double Sided Tape (I had the removable type)
You will need:
1) Pair of scissors (Fairly heavy duty)
2) 8.5x11 Photo Paper (Glossy Printer Paper)
3) 2 Part Epoxy
4) Tooth Pick
5) Double Sided Tape (I had the removable type)
Step 2: Selecting an Image
The first thing you should do is decide what you want to have as your badge. A logo, a design, picture, etc. Find a fairly small sized image of what you want and try to make it smaller that 2x2. A good, free, program to use to resize pictures is Paint.NET (
Step 3: Printing Your Image
Once you have your desired image/logo the correct size print it from within Power Point or a similar program so it's size isn't changed. Before printing ensure that the print settings are set to the highest possible (maximum dpi, etc.). Also, make sure you're printing onto photo paper.
Step 4: Applying Epoxy
After letting the print dry for a few minutes, squirt an even amount of both parts of the epoxy onto a piece of paper. Carefully mix the two parts together as to not get any bubbles in the epoxy. After a thorough mixing, gather a small amount onto your tooth pick and let it drop into the center of your image. You may need up to three blobs depending on your image size. Then carefully spread an even coat of epoxy over the image while trying not to touch the image itself and while trying not to get too much outside the edges of the picture. Ideally you would want the epoxy to end right at the edge of the picture. It should have a nice bubble-like bulge raised up off the image.
Step 5: Removal and Use
After giving plenty of drying time without disturbing the epoxy it should feel almost rock hard. Carefully cut out the image/badge right up to the edges getting rid of any excess. This next part is kind of risky. You can either cut it out and put the double sided tape on the back and call it good, or if you want to risk it you can try to peel the paper off of the epoxy. The only problem with this is if you touched the image while applying the epoxy or any other time for that matter, some of the ink will stay on the paper leaving you with spots that are see through. This may happen even if you haven't touched it so I would recommend leaving the paper on at first. As for the double-sided tape, get the "Removable" type. That way if you ever want to take the badge off it doesn't leave anything behind.