Introduction: DIY Covid-19 Test Booth. Part 4. Positive Air Pressure in the Booth

The purpose of this instructions is to provide a solution to those interested to make a "phone booth" for Covid-19 test with commonly available materials. One of the critical component is a ventilator that allow positive pressure from inside the booth.

This instruction is part 4 of DIY Covid-19 Test Booth.

There are a total of 5 parts.

Part 1. How to Make a Long Cuff (Sleeve) Latex Gloves From Two Short Gloves

Part 2. How to make an adapter to connect the Booth to gloves

Part 3. How to make a basic phone booth for Covid-19 test

Part 4. How to create a positive air pressure in the booth.

Part 5. Installing intercom system


Air purifier

Step 1: Look for an Simple Shape Air Purifier

Simple shape that allow easy cutting of hole to install the device.

Step 2: Cut a Hole on Booth Ceiling According to the Shape & Size of Air Purifier

Cut the hole, install the air purifier and glue from top and bottom. Such installation allowed a positive pressure from inside the booth.