Introduction: DIY Disk Sander

About: In Love with design, engineering and science. Please check out my Instagram page @zacsdesigns_ Feel free to request a project and ill see what I can do. I also sell a range of products so inbox me on my accou…

What inspired me?

Well, I have begun to make my own versions of tools that I need to progress in wood working. For me, the most important feature of any wood working project is the finish. So, I decided to make some quick plans for a simple wooden, drill powered table top disk sander. Hope you enjoy.

What will you need?

-Jig saw

-M10 bolt about 80mm long

-1x M10 washers and 2x M10 nuts

-18mm by 200mm by 220mm ply wood

-18mm by 200mm by 190mm ply wood

-18mm by 92mm by 225mm (times two) ply

-18mm by 92mm by 200mm ply

-you also need a 152mm diameter circle ply


-10x 25mm screws

-2x 55mm screws

-10mm drill bit

-150mm disk sander paper (60-100 grit)

Step 1: Step 1 - Measuring

If you don’t already have those exact sized pieces of ply wood, you can use a tri square and a pencil along-side a ruler to mark up these exact pieces. It's important to make sure that all of the cuts are as square as you can get them. All of the pieces I had were from an old piece of furniture and I did not really have to do much cutting due to the design being made around the measurements I had. However, feel free to adapt the design to suit your requirements.

Step 2: Step 2 - the Disk

The next step that I completed was to make the circular disk. This disk is 152mm in diameter and is made from an 18mm ply wood. I used a jig saw to get the general shape and then used the sander to just make the piece a little more balanced. This didn’t take as long as I thought as I had recently changed the sanding pad. I also quickly went over all of the edges on all of the piece before constructing it.

Step 3: Step 3 - Mounting the Disk

Once I had sanded the pieces I decided to continue with the disk. I placed the 10mm drill bit in the drill and drilled a 90 degree hole through the centre of the disk. I then threaded the M10 bolt into the hole and once it was at the bottom, I used the hammer to make a mark of the hexagon into the wood before taking the bolt out again. Using a sharp knife I then began to chip away at the marks. I then inserted the bolt and used the hammer to force it into the slot so that it was flush the ply. I then marked a centre line vertically on the ply (18mm by 200mm by 190mm) and marked a cross 80mm down from the top. (measurements on the picture provided). I used an 11mm drill bit to drill this hole through the piece. I then used a washer on the end followed by two nuts. (see picture)

Step 4: Step 4 - Assembly

I then marked out the holes for the side pieces. I did this by drawing a rectangle on the back board that was 92mm high and 18mm wide. I found the centre and made two marks for pilot holes. I then used a 4mm drill bit and a counter sink tool to make two holes. I applied some force onto one of the side pieces and then drilled the two holes deeper so they penetrated through the side piece. I continued this on the opposite side and then used some 25mm screws to secure them in place. I then added the top piece (18mm by 200mm by 220mm) and used four screws with pilot holes (4mm) and 3mm deep counter sunk holes to secure it in place. I then added the front of the disk sander in place with 2 55mm screws in the front and 2 25mm screws in the top. I then finished the product using a quick sand of 200 grit sand paper.

Step 5: Finished

Thank you so much for reading this Instructable, even if you clicked onto the by accident thank you. Every view counts. I love these mini projects as it gives you people, my viewers a quick and simple project to try at home, please feel free to comment, follow and favourite for more amazing Summer DIY projects like this one.