Introduction: DIY Easy Mini Skateboard! (Fingerboard)
Hi, thanks for clicking in and let's make a fingerboard today while we're staying at home! Let's get started.
5*Wood veneer (4*11cm)
Gorilla glue/ wood glue
Fingerboard mold & shaper
Some clamps
Handheld drill
2mm drill bit
Countersink bit
Belt sander
Clear coat (glossy)
Grip tape
Tamiya clear paint (optional)
Water transfer paper (optional)
X-acto blade (optional)
Step 1: Gluing Veneers
Get these ready:
5 sheets wood veneer (4*11cm)
Gorilla glue/ wood glue
Pre-cut your veneers to 4*11cm, put them onto a sheet of paper to avoid getting stuff dirty. You can get these veneers for cheap from ebay or amazon, just make sure you are getting 0.5mm thick ones.
Apply glue to 4 veneers only, and spread them like shown in the pictures. After that you just need to put them all together like a sandwich!
Step 2: Putting Into the Mold
Get these ready:
Fingerboard mold
If you don't have a fingerboard mold but a 3d printer, you can 3d print your own mold! Download the attached .stl files and print them.
Take your veneer sandwich and put them into the mold and clamp them tight as shown in the pictures.
I use non-sticking cooking paper to prevent the glue from sticking to the mold.
Step 3: Drilling & Countersinks
Get these ready:
Handheld drill
2mm drill bit
Countersink bit
Take the veneer sandwich out of the mold and start drilling the 8 holes, you can see I included pins in the design so you can be sure your drilling is correct.
After that you need to outline the board shape with your shaper, as shown in the picture.
After outlining, you can just countersink the holes with your countersink bits.
I love this type of countersink instead of those 45° ones because of how beautiful they look!
Step 4: Shaping Your Deck!
After this step, you'll actually start to see the shape of your deck!
Get your belt sander ready!
Just turn on your belt sander and start grinding away the wood! The video is showing me sanding another deck. and you can see the result in the pictures!
Step 5: Sanding the Edges
Now get your sandpaper and start sanding your deck, you can see the difference between un-sanded and sanded edge in the pictures, while some people like their deck to be more square, I like mine to be more rounded!
Step 6: Apply Clear Coat
Get your clear coat spray paint!
Basically spray 2-3 layers of even clear coat onto the deck and you can see how glossy the deck become now.
Also this is the other deck since there were some issue with the old one.
You can already start using your deck now, but who doesn't like some nice graphics?
Step 7: Applying the Graphics! (optional)
Get these ready:
Graphics printed on water transfer paper
Tamiya clear paint
Paint a thin layer of clear paint onto the deck, this will help the graphic to stick better. Then just soak the graphics in water for 10-20 second, take it out and you should be able to slide the graphics out. Only thing left to do is sticking the graphics onto the fingerboard and removing the air bubbles.
Step 8: Finishing the Graphic (optional)
We're almost there! Just poke the hole for the screws and scrap away the extra graphic like shown in the picture.
Some people like spraying one more layer of clear coat to prevent the graphic from peeling off, but I think it is not really necessary.
Step 9: Set the Deck Up!
All left to do is setting the deck up! I'm using Riptape for my grip tape, Blackriver trucks and DFB wheels!
Step 10: It's All Done!
Congratulations, you just made your first deck! Enjoy your deck and stay at home!