A super cool recipe for a healthy, frozen treat. The best part, it's really simple to make.
Step 1: Gather Ingredients
You will need:
1-2 6 fluid oz cans of pineapple juice (varies due to popsicle mold size) ,2 small plastic cups of fruit ( I used Pineapple and peaches) ,and Any popsicle mold container
Step 2: Fill Molds
Put about half a plastic cup of fruit in each mold. Fill remaining space with juice, leaving half an inch of empty space at the top.
Step 3: Freezing
Leave the full popsicle molds in a freezer overnight.
Step 4: Take Out of Freezer
Take the popsicles out of the freezer.
Step 5: Removing Popsicles From Molds
Take the popsicles out of the molds. If you are struggling, run under cold water until you can remove it.
Step 6: ENJOY!!
Enjoy your food, you've earned it.