Introduction: DIY Fabric Storage Boxes
I made these cute fabric covered storage boxes to go in my baby's nursery.
As a first time mother, I am slightly overwhelmed by the amount of "things" babies seem to need. I am also not the most organized person. My goal is to make it easier on myself by having boxes to grab some things out of instead of having to dig in a drawer.
To make these you need:
- cardboard boxes
- 2 types of fabric
- white glue
- scissors
- brushes
As a first time mother, I am slightly overwhelmed by the amount of "things" babies seem to need. I am also not the most organized person. My goal is to make it easier on myself by having boxes to grab some things out of instead of having to dig in a drawer.
To make these you need:
- cardboard boxes
- 2 types of fabric
- white glue
- scissors
- brushes
Step 1:
I used three matching boxes that I had on hand. (These happen to be from Swanson Vitamins where I regularly order my supplements from.) I cut out the handles, cut off the top flaps, and cut three pieces of cardboard from a separate box to glue on the bottom (inside).
Step 2:
I then cut three long strips of the printed fabric to wrap around the outside. I cut the brown fabric for the inside and bottom into individual pieces to fit each side.
I used regular white glue diluted with a bit of water instead of Modge Podge. It is so much cheaper and works just as well. I don't have a specific formula for glue and water, I just mix until the consistency is right for painting. For the printed fabric the ratio seemed to be about 60-70% glue. I used the glue straight for the brown fabric as it was a lot thicker.
I did not paint a layer of glue on top of the fabric as I wanted to keep as much of the soft fabric look and feel as possible.
I used regular white glue diluted with a bit of water instead of Modge Podge. It is so much cheaper and works just as well. I don't have a specific formula for glue and water, I just mix until the consistency is right for painting. For the printed fabric the ratio seemed to be about 60-70% glue. I used the glue straight for the brown fabric as it was a lot thicker.
I did not paint a layer of glue on top of the fabric as I wanted to keep as much of the soft fabric look and feel as possible.
Step 3:
I cut the cardboard pieces to insert in the bottom so the bottom is smooth and uninterrupted by the flaps of the box. I used these pieces as the template for the brown fabric pieces for the bottom (outside).
I then glued the bottom cardboard pieces in place.
I then glued the bottom cardboard pieces in place.
Step 4:
Next, I glued the pre-cut brown fabric pieces on the inside.
A metal ruler really helps tuck the fabric in at the corners!
A metal ruler really helps tuck the fabric in at the corners!
Step 5:
I finished the boxes off with a piece of fabric on the bottom.
Overall this is a very simple project that anyone can do. The measuring and cutting can be a bit time consuming but, thankfully, there is no sewing required.
These boxes also double as great cat traps!
Overall this is a very simple project that anyone can do. The measuring and cutting can be a bit time consuming but, thankfully, there is no sewing required.
These boxes also double as great cat traps!