About: Follow twins, Annelise and Julia, and big sister, Rachel, as they create fun crafts and delicious snacks! Look for regular appearances by our dumbo rats, Sugarplum, Honeybun & Hazelnut, and our tuxedo cats…

Learn how to make this GIANT FLUFFY SLIME with Annelise, Julia & Rachel. NO Borax, liquid starch or detergent is needed! Happy Crafting!

You will need:

White school glue

Baking soda

Eyedrops or contact lens saline solution (see note below)

Shaving cream (get a scent you like!)

Foaming face or body wash - this is optional

Food dye - this is optional

*Note about eyedrops/saline solution: Make sure that you see either Boric Acid or Sodium Borate in the ingredients. If not, check for the words “Buffered Saline” on the package. If it says this, you are good to go!

Please check out our YouTube channel for LOTS of crafting tutorials, fun challenges and a few videos of our funny dumbo rats!

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