Introduction: DIY Globe
In this instructable, I will show you how to construct a globe out of a basketball.
- paint colors green, blue, white
- a sharpie
- basketball
- paintbrushes
Step 1: Find a Basket Ball and Supplies
find a basketball that's already mostly blue but any basketball will work and then get paint supplies
Step 2: Paint Time
paint the parts that are not blue yet
Step 3: Cut Out the Continents
find a coloring page with the continents on it and cut them out here is the one I used.
Step 4: Cut and Tape the Continents
now you want cut and tape the continents on the basket ball one at a time and then trace around them witha pen or sharpie
Step 5: Paint All of the Continents
you can paint them ant color u like but i did green and white
Step 6: Its All Done
it came out looking pretty good and actually looks like a globe