Introduction: DIY Guitar Capo

About: I live in Denmark, and i will show you how to make things for survival, art, awesomeness, and much more! Check it out! ??
This is a easy tip for guitar players if they dont have a Capo or if they forgot it at home! :-)

Step 1: You Will Need

You will need:

- A Guitar
- A rubberband
- A pencil/marker/fork - just someshing hard that dont break.

Step 2: Step 1

Place the marker where you want the Capo to be.

Step 3: Step 2

Put the rubber twice, and put it around the first end of the marker.

Step 4: Final Step

Now put it over the other end of the marker.

Step 5: Done!

Now you are done! I hope you liked this tip. Check my profile for more! Bye! :-)