Introduction: DIY Hack: Make Your Own "Pom Pom Maker"!
"Pom Pom Makers" can be bought in numerous stores and online, but they also range in price anywhere from $2.00 - $10.00, maybe even more. This tutorial will show you how to MAKE (yea, DIY!) your own "Pom Pom Maker" using simple, around-the-house items. They literally. cost. nothing. Unless you want to factor in the price of one mechanical pencil, a pair of scissors, and a box knife. But I'll leave that up to you :) Let's get started!
Step 1: Materials
For this DIY, you will need:
- A piece of sturdy cardboard at least 6"x12"
- A round item to trace your circles. Some suggestions (also shown in the photo) are a small cup/glass, the lid to a sippy cup, or the screw lid to a canning jar. I used the lid to a sippy cup.
- Scissors
- A box knife
- A pencil
Step 2: Making the Template - Part 1
To begin this project, we will make our template (pattern) on the sheet of cardboard. Place your round item on the sheet of cardboard, making sure there is plenty of room to repeat this, and trace around it with a pencil. Move it to the other side and do this again. You should have two (2) circles of equal size drawn in pencil on your sheet of cardboard.
Photo shows both circles drawn on my sheet of cardboard. I traced over one with a Sharpie so you could see it better in the photo. The sippy cup lid (my round object) is next to/partially covering the second circle.
Step 3: Making the Template - Part 2
The second part of making the template is drawing the inner circle, as we are making discs. I freehanded this, but you may use a smaller round object to trace if needed. Just make sure that the "donut" part is approx. an inch in width.
Photo shows the inner circle drawn. I also traced this over in Sharpie, just so you can see it better. That is not necessary unless you prefer to see it better as we will be cutting on these lines later. The arrow shows what I mean by the "donut" part. That area needs to be no less than an inch wide.
Step 4: Cutting the First Disc - Part 1
*NOTICE: Do NOT cut both discs at once! If you want to complete this project correctly, follow the steps in the EXACT order I lay them out!
We will now begin cutting out our "Pom Pom Maker", disc one (1). Simply use your scissors to cut around the edge of the large circle, as shown above. Only do this with one (1) circle. DO NOT cut out both.
Photo A shows myself cutting out the large circle. Photo B show the large circle cut out. Notice that NOTHING has been done with the inner circle yet and I have only cut out ONE large circle.
Step 5: Cutting the First Disc - Part 2
This step is continued from the previous. We are still cutting the FIRST circle. The second should not be cut in any way.
You will now use your box knife to cut out the inner circle of the large circle you just cut, creating a cardboard donut. *If you are age 15-, please let a responsible adult help you with this step. Box knives can be very dangerous and harmful if not used properly*
Photo A shows myself cutting out the inner circle. Photo B shows the end result (yes, the inner circle is cut out. I wasn't thinking when I laid it back on the cardboard for the photo, making it look like a solid circle) You still should have done nothing with the second circle.
Step 6: Cutting the Second Circle
Ah, now we are going to start on that second circle that's been "banned" from use since step 4! :) Lay your first disc (the one we just finished cutting out) on top of the second one (that has NOT yet been cut out). Use your pencil to trace around the inner circle several times, creating a dark, distinguishable line. The reason for this is that we want both discs to be exactly the same size for making pom-poms. If you freehanded the inner circle, it's most likely that they are not the same size on both discs, therefore we are using the first as a template for the second. It is my suggestion that you trace over this new inner circle line with a Sharpie or pen so you don't get confused when cutting.
Cut out this disc in the same way you did the first. I will add however, on the second disc I found it much easier to simply create a "hole" in the center of the inner circle with my box knife, then enter this "hole" with my scissors to cut out the rest. Just a side note.
Photo A shows the first disc on top of the second. Photo B shows the new inner circle traced in Sharpie.
Step 7: The Results!
Voila! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial! You should now have two (2) cardboard discs in your hand. Keep them around, I will have a tutorial up on "How to Use Your DIY "Pom Pom Maker"" in the next couple days! Until then... - This is a link to my most recent blog post. Feel free to share it with anyone and on any social media. I appreciate it! - This link is to my first Instructable, crocheting a Bobble Beard. Once again, you may feel free to share it with anyone, and don't forget to check it out yourself! It is entered in two contests, "First Time Author" and "Fall for Yarn". If you enjoy it, I would appreciate your vote! :)