Introduction: DIY Hair Bows

About: I'm really fun and enjoy looming. I love my rainbow loom and making new things everyday. I like to be crafty, and love learning new things.. Enjoy sharing my ideas and creations! :). Check me out on YouTube, l…

Step 1: Materials

Liquid stitch, an old shirt, scissors

Step 2:

Cut the old shirt into a rectangle. Make sure big bulky seams at cut out, little seams are ok. Flip the fabric over, the opposite side of the print or color you want showing.

Step 3:

Make a few dots of liquid stitch in the middle of the rectangle, then fold the fabric half way to the middle and press on the liquid stitch for a few seconds.

Step 4:

Then make a few more dots in the middle again, and fold the other half to the middle. Press on top of the liquid stitch for a few seconds.

Step 5:

Then make a few dots of liquid stitch in the middle of that and Fold halfway to the middle. Hold for a few seconds. Then make a few dots of liquid stitch in the middle again. Fold the other half if fabric to the middle. Hold for a few seconds.

Step 6:

Next clench the fabric in the middle, place a few drops of liquid stitch in the middle and hold for a few seconds. While it dries for a moment, cut a thin strip of the shirt, for the middle piece of the bow.

Step 7:

Put your bow upside down on the strip of fabric. Add a dot of liquid stitch to the middle of the bow and put one end of the strip on it. Press it down for a few seconds, and add another dot of liquid stitch to the middle of the bow. Then pull the other end on top of the dot of liquid stitch and hold down for a seconds. Cut of any excess fabric.

Step 8:

Tada! There's your beautiful bow!

Step 9:

If you want the hair clips actually attached to the bow use hot glue.