Introduction: DIY Handmade Table Lamp

About: I m fun loving person... I love to make things from waste and paper ... and find ways to make them easy to make :)
there are a very easy way to make it..... u must see that..

Step 1: Things U Need

other things... tape
2. scissor
4. brush

Step 2: Make Use of Disposals

stick all the disposals as shown above..

Step 3: Making of Stand...

1. wrap black tape around the CD's to stick them..
2.hole on d back side of disposal and put the pipe onto the hole them stick disposal and pipe with tape
3. now put dat pipe with disposal on the CD's and wrap tape to stick them firmly... to make stand..

Step 4: Decoration..

make roses as shown above and stick them on the stand...

Step 5: Fitting Light

just place light bulb on the top of the pipe and take wire out from the bottom of the stand...

Step 6: Finishing

there u go...:)))