Introduction: DIY Hidden Toy Storage - Hides the Mess When You Have Guests.
Cars, trains, planes, balls, puzzles, blocks…they are everywhere in my house. This DIY hidden toy storage is a great solution to store the toys…and HIDE THE MESS.
Can also be used to hide craft supplies that you like to keep in the living room. :)
Start by constructing a simple rectangle using glue and brad nails or pocket holes.
I used 1 1" x 16" 8' board to construct the frame and shelf.
You want to keep this low and lightweight to prevent it from being a tip over hazard around kids.
Step 1: Add Shelf and False Back
Add a shelf and a false back. The toy storage side will be about 11 1/2" deep, while the book shelf side is about 4" deep.
Then use trim to decorate and hold the toys and books into place. Fill all holes and cracks and sand before painting.
Step 2: Make the Piece Reversible
Add furniture sliders (aff) for carpeted floors or casters for hardwood.
Step 3: The Finished Toy Storage
Toys in the front, books in the back. Now when guests are coming over, just turn the piece around when you want to hide those messy toys.
Step 4: The Toy Storage in Action.
Step 5: DIY Backyard Bench, $130.
Need durable and easy to clean backyard furniture that's still beautiful? Check out this instructable for my L-shaped bench for just $130.