Introduction: DIY Hula Hoop Dream Catcher
Have you ever wanted to make a dream catcher but don't know how? Although it may seem challenging, it is actually quite easy! This tutorial will walk you through the basics of making a dream catcher, however this specific project it on a much larger scale. Using a hula hoop as the base ring, you can surely dream big!
Additional edits to the finishing details may be posted at a later date.
Step 1: Covering the Hula Hoop
For the first step, you will have to wrap the hula hoop of choice in some kind of cloth or ribbon. If the hula hoop is a solid color, you may chose to leave it as is, however the fabric cover prevents the string from slipping once the inner web is woven.
For this instructable, I am using a red burlap cloth that can be purchased at most common craft stores.
You can use tacky glue (best to keep the cloth from slipping while it dries) or other common liquid adhesives. I would avoid quick drying adhesives because they have a tendency to absorb into the fabric and can be a hassle to deal with.
Once the fabric is wrapped around the entire hoop, you should clip the end and allow the glue to dry before starting the dream catcher web.
Step 2: The Dream Catcher Web
You can use any thin twine for this step, however, wax covered string is best to keep the shape of the web over time and looks much better when finished. This waxy string can be commonly found at craft stores, it's usually called craft lace and moderately inexpensive.
Helpful Tips:
*When starting the web, the more initial loops around the hula hoop, the more intricate the web will be. More loops cause more layers which may be increasingly difficult to weave through when they get smaller, but once you get the hang of the web, it isn't too hard.
*The tighter you pull the first layer, the neater the web will look. You should pull each loop you make firmly and try to center it on the preceding loop layer.
*If you find yourself with not enough string but you are almost at the end, a firm tug will pull the web together and shut it at the center.
Since we are using a hula hoop, only close the web this way when you are close to finishing the web because the hula hoop is easily bent out of shape. Gentle tugs on the hula hoop can reshape it if necessary
Step 3: Finishing Details
To tie the web center, you may wish to embellish it with a bead or stone. Simply at the bead to the left over sting and tie the string on any nearby web branch. You can cut off and excess or add additional beads for a longer hanging center piece.
A feather with glue at the end can be inserted into the bead if desired.
Step 4: Hanging Loop
I am using red silk ribbon for the tassels. Any string, leather cord, or ribbons can be used, it's all a matter of preference.
The same ribbon can be used to hang the dream catcher.
*Make a loop of ribbon as shown in the first picture. You may tie the end or glue it. Pull the loop and tuck it through the other side as shown. You may add a bead with more tacky glue to secure the hanging ribbon from coming off.
Step 5: Tassels
For tassels, I usually make three but that can vary.
*Feathers, beads, and jewelry can all be incorporated if desired. The same process of the hanging loop can be used to secure the tassels, however you may wish to leave the ends open.
*The feathers are the finishing touch to a dream catcher because supposedly "once the bad dreams are caught in the web, the good dreams can travel down the tassels and feathers"
*I generally make the center tassel longer and most elaborate. The middle one can be centered with the hanging loop and the other side tassels can be the same length and equidistant from the center one