Introduction: DIY LPG Leakage Detection System With Auto Regulator Cut-Off and OLED Message

About: Founder of Guy who always try to make innovative projects,check out what i made in my instructable..

Hi readers welcome again to my unique yet useful Instructables project, In this project i made this LPG Leakage Detection System with Auto Regulator Cut-Off that also has an OLED Message display board and not to forget there is also an LED indicator.

Let me describe how this project works in short

There is a gas sensor also called by the name MQ2 is equipped here that will detect the gas.

I have added OLED and LED indicators for better alerting if the gas is leaking, By default the LED on the strip will be green and the OLED will display "SAFE" as the message and if any gas leakage is observed by the sensor then the LED turn to red and oled will display "LEAKAGE" as the message and in some time the servo horn will rotate turning off the gas regulator knob.

The system is reset by pressing the rest button on the uno board, Now the servo turn to the default position(release position) and because of usage of spring it almost comes to rest position but i recommend to check this manually to make sure the knob is really off

I will also make more advanced version of this project if you show support to this project with your likes and the suggestions for much more improvements.

There is a detailed working video along with the build tutorial of this project given at the end of this project, Dont miss to check that out


Arduino Uno Board

MQ2 sensor module

OLED module

WS2812B Led strip

Micro Servo

Power rails of breadboard(you can use the entire breadboard too)

Jumper Cables

Arduino IDE

Programming Cable

Sheet of Cardboard

Hot glue

Spring(scavenge from old click pencil)

Pieces of cardboard

Lighter(that contains gas to detect the leakage)

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Step 1: Circuit and Program

This is the circuit that i designed from scratch for this project, There were simple version that was giving out buzzer sound accompanied by LED, I didn't want to use that instead i designed my own circuit.

Let me explain it to you guys how to build the circuit and it will be easier for anybody to understand since i will be breaking down the circuit according to the component

MQ2 sensor connections

It comes with 3 pins, The Vcc and Gnd pins are connected to power rails whereas the signal is connect to A0 pin on the Uno board

Micro Servo

It has 3 pins like always the Vcc and Gnd to power rails and the signal pin to D9 on the Uno board

WS2812B connections

The power pins + and - are connected to power rails whereas the Din pin is connect to D7 pin of the Uno board

OLED module connections

Sck to A4 and Sda to A5

The VCC and GND pins are connected to power rails on breadboard

Now to the power rails, you should connect the 5v and GND pins to nano, This will enable the power to flow in the circuit

Now since the connections are complete we can head over to uploading the program.

Here there is a small change that you might need to make, that is the number of LED on my strip that I'm using in my project is 4 so in the code its 4

If you are using more or lesser LED than this than you might need to change this number, If you are also using 4 then it's fine you can leave this

Select the proper port and board type before uploading the code to the board, Now press on that upload button and see the magic happening.

After the code is done uploading we can test for its working.

Simply connect the uno board to USB power source and if everything is fine you should see green light from strip and the OLED will display "SAFE" as the message.

Expose the sensor to gas and now the LED will turn to red and OLED will display "Leakage" message and it will also trigger the micro servo.

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Step 2: Regulator on & Off Mechanism

This is the part that needs attention since the entire theme of our project lies in this.

I will use generic regulator that can be found in most of the households and all of them work on same on and off mechanism so that the one that we will be doing will work on all of them.

To make the cut off switch work flawlessly i will use a spring that was scavenged from old pencil, Usually the click type of pencils and pen will have springs on them.

To the end of the spring connect the servo horn and add hot glue and allow to dry completely and after some time add second coat of hot glue this will ensure that in any condition the springs wont come out easily.

Now the other end of spring will be connect to regulator switch, Repeat the same step that you followed earlier.

After this is done power on the uno board and let the servo move back to its default position now turn off the circuit.

Turn the regulator switch to on position and secure the servo well with hot glue, This will complete the on and off mechanism for this project.

Step 3: Finishing

Start by placing all the electronics on a piece of cardboard, Use double sided adhesive to glue electronics to board.

The main intention of using just the power rails instead of the whole breadboard is to save the space so that overall size of the project remains small.

To keep the electronic components elevated i will use this small piece of plastic and couple the components as shown in these steps.

In the end you can connect the regulator mechanism, Use extra hot glue here since using the regulator multiple times may cause a wear on this part.

That is all about the build of this project, Now we can finally test the projects and get results for our great work!

Step 4: How to Use

I will be using the default usb power supply to power this project since there is no much power consuming modules here, Each of them consume decent amount of power and the power supply from uno board is sufficient to power these.

Upon providing the power the OLED by default will show "Safe" and the LED on the strip will be green, I will use the gas from lighter to trigger the gas sensor.

When gas is detected by the sensor the OLED will show "Leakage" as the message and the LED strip immediately turns to red color and in few seconds the servo will activate and the regulator supply will be cut off.

Now the servo will be in that position till the uno board is reset or the USB is disconnected and connected again and now the servo comes back again to its default position.

There are other new features that can be added but i think these features are far more enough for this project.

You can also add a sim module to send the leakage alert notification also well again that depends on how and where you want to implement this project.

That is all for now, Hope you will give a try to build this project and let me know how this went for you

Step 5: Working Video

The gas regulator cut off mechanism is just amazing to watch in the working and I recommend everyone to check this out.

Also few might have doubts in building the servo and regulator switch mechanism, This video will solve all of it

I would like to say give a try to build such projects and if you are not in a position ask your beloved ones whom you think can do this.

By building this not only you are making a project but you will have hand on experience on multiple things and you will have chance to learn a lot on how simple electronics can be very useful to human kind.

Well i think we are in the end part of this project, If you liked the idea show it with your likes and shares, Thanks and have a great build, Bye