Introduction: DIY Lightsaber
We all have imagined ourselves as one of the Super Heroes of the Star Wars universe fighting the enemies with our LED glowing swords or the Light Saber. A typical Light Saber is an energy sword containing plasma. But the Light Saber which we are going to make contains the RGB strips thus making the sword glow.
Step 1: Things You'll Need
- 1 evive
- 1 Multi-Color RGB Lights
- 1 Thick Cardboard
- 1 Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
- 1 Butter Paper
- 1 Foam Sheet
- 1 Acrylic Bar
Step 2: Making of Blade
For making the Light Saber, the main component we need is the RGB strip.
Thus let’s start with assembling it.
- Take the RGB of the desired length and stick it on both the sides of the cardboard strip or bar which is the same length as the strips.
NOTE: We have used an Acrylic bar.
- Next thing we need to do is, to connect the wires to the RGB strips. This can be done with the help of soldering.
- Solder three wires to +5 V, DIN, and GND pins as shown in the figure.
NOTE: Do this step under the supervision of an adult.
Step 3: Time to Make the Holder
As the blade is now ready, we need a holder for it.
- We have made a 3D printed holder or gripper, you can use the cardboard to make the holder.
Make sure you leave a holo space in the middle of the holder so that the wire of the strip can pass through.
- Using Glue Gun attach the holder ends.
Let’s wrap a butter paper around it to make it look good.
Step 4: Why Not Butter Paper
Now, as you must have noticed that as we have covered it with butter paper, the brights spots are being seen. The light is not dispersed as we see it in Star Wars.
Step 5: Completing the Sword!
- We’ll use the foam sheet to wrap around it so as to disperse the light.
- Cut a piece out of the foam sheet of the size of the blade and wrap it around using tape.
- Finally, warp a butter paper around it. This will make your sword look smooth.
And your Light Saber is now ready.
Step 6: Circuit Diagram
The three wires connected to the RGB Strips are connected as follows:
- GND to GND of evive
- +5V to +5V of evive
- DIN to Pin No. 3 below the breadboard
Step 7: Code
Here is the code to make your Light Saber glow in different patterns.
Step 8: Conclusion
With this, you lightsaber is ready for action!
Go ahead and use it wisely to defend your land against enemies who try to take it over! May the force be with you.