Introduction: DIY Low-cost Bicycle Wall-mount

The necessity for a bicycle wall-mount first occurred when I wanted to buy a new MTB. I needed a safe and dry place for this expensive precious. As my room mates would be happy about another thing to store in our living room I decided to put it in my own room. There is this large empty wall above my couch where I decided that this is the perfect fit for my bicycle to hang.

The main goal was to do my own design as I wanted to practice my development and wood working skills. My short research gave me a lot of inspiration for my own wall-mount as there are hundreds of designs out there. Each comes with different shapes, material and functionality. My favorite designs where these simple and small wood as well as these complex metal designs.
Besides of the bicycle I wanted to put my helmet and tire-repair kits on the mount to have this stuff finally cleanly stored together and not laying around all over my room. My second requirement was simplicity as my wood-working skills and equipment was quite limited.

As you can see in the picture the result turned out quite well (better than I expected to be honest). If you like my design and want to build one for your own bike just follow the below guide.


You will need the following tools:

  • drill
  • grinding machine
  • saw
  • brush for the wood glaze
  • wood glue
  • general purpose glue (or a hot glue pistol)

as well as the following material:

  • timber in different dimensions
  • wooden strips where the bicycle frame will fit in
  • fleece to protect the bicycle frame
  • dowels for wall-mounting
  • screws
  • washers
  • wood glaze
  • angle connectors

Step 1: CAD Planing

This is not a real step to follow for building the mount because the design and sizing process is already done but I wanted to include this step to document my development process. Also by handing over the CAD files I give you an easy way to modify and extend my design to your needs.
Note however that I'm a CAD novice. Some design aspects may not be correct or could've been done better. Also this was more for visualization than exact planing, so details like used screws, may differ from the final build. Please feel free to criticize any aspect in the comment section below.

I used OneShape for development so you can easily extend my build by branching my design document. This can be found here. CAD files can also be downloaded from the attachments of this step.

Note: The renders of the contain a bike and helmet for visualization purpose. I do not any rights for them - the originals can be found here and here

The main focus of this step was to find a good size of the wall-mount. On the one handside it should be big enough to contain my helmet and bicycle stuff on the other handside it should be small enough to fit on the wall.

Step 2: Wood Cutting

In this step we will cut the timbers to the correct size. I used some old wood scrapes that were laying around in our cellar but you can grab them for some bucks in your local hardware store as well.

Measure the dimensions for the timber with the ruler and finally cut the timber with your saw.
You should end up with four pieces:

  • bicycle frame holder (24cm x 40cm x 4 cm)
  • wall - mount (25cm x 60cm)
  • 2x wooden stripes (24cm long)

Step 3: Grinding

The grinding is mainly to smooth small impurities in the wood. However it turned out that degrading the edges of the timbers also gave the setup a cleaner look which is the reason that I decided to degrade all edges as well.

Step 4: Connect Wooden Strips and Timber

In this step we will glue the wooden strips to the timber. The wooden strips will hold the bicycle frame in place. Later we will add some foam to protect the frame against scratches.

Mark the lines where the strips will be glued on the timber then use the wood glue to put strips and timber together. Put pressure on the strips while the glue is drying to ensure the best connection.

Step 5: Glazing the Timber

I already mentioned in the first step that I used some timber laying around in my cellar and it was there already for quite a while. To improve the surface and also let the colors match to my room I decided to paint the timbers with wooden glaze which I bought in my local hardware store (you can also buy this online).

Use the brush to put a thin layer of the wooden glaze on the surface of the timber. Wait until the glaze dried (3-5h) and repeat this step until the color matches your taste.

Step 6: Connect the Parts

In this step all parts that we manufactured until now are mounted together. First use two wood screws to connect the wall-mount and frame-holder. I used 10 mm wood screws but shorter lengths will also do it because the main stabilization is given via the angle connectors that we'll add next.

I used two strong angle connectors that I got in my local hardware store. My wood-working knowledge (and construction in general) is quite limited as I mentioned earlier so these might be a bit over the top but I wanted to be sure that this will hold my MTB safely. Use two wood screws each to fix the angle connectors to the frame holder.

Step 7: Add Frame Protection

In this step we will add a stripe of fleece on top of the holder to prevent the bicycle frame against scratches.

Cut a stripe of fleece (around ~24x5cm) with a color of your choice. Use some general purpose glue (or a hot glue gun - if you have one) to fix the fleece nicely in place. It should cover the wood stripes. Put some pressure on the the fleece while the glue is drying.

Step 8: Mount It!

We are nearly done now. In this last step we'll prepare the holder and finally mount it on the wall.

First predrill the wall-mount as shown in the pictures. Put it on the wall and mark the holes (e.g. with a screw driver or pencil) on the wall and use the (stone) drill to finally drill the holes. The dowels should fit in nicely as shown in the picture (you may use a hammer to slightly give them a push).

Put the screws (with washers) in the predrilled holder holes, make sure to fit the dowels and finally screw the bicycle holder on the wall.

Congratulations! You now built your very own bicycle wall-mount.

Step 9: Optional: Add a Helmet Mount

I realized that the wall-mount could be improved by a simple optimization:
You can add a screw right under the horizontal timber (see picture). This can be used as an extra helmet holder which gives you two advantages. First it will nicely hide the angle connectors behind the helmet and also will free the space on the horizontal timber for various bicycle stuff (extra tires, tools, lights etc.).

Spring Cleaning Challenge

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Spring Cleaning Challenge