Introduction: DIY Magnetic Refrigerator Words
Why have someone else's message on your fridge? Reclaim your refrigerator door, by recycling those free square advertisement magnets that cover it into custom refrigerator words!
What you will need for this project:
- Flat refrigerator magnets (Check your phone book(s) for lawyer ads)
- Address Labels (or any equivalent sticker material)
- Razor Blade or Scissors
- Fine point marker(s)
- Ruler
- Optional: Sandpaper
What you will need for this project:
- Flat refrigerator magnets (Check your phone book(s) for lawyer ads)
- Address Labels (or any equivalent sticker material)
- Razor Blade or Scissors
- Fine point marker(s)
- Ruler
- Optional: Sandpaper
Step 1: Gather Your Material
You can find these magnets everywhere. Check your phone book, there's probably one on it. Restaurants, Lawyers, Doctors, and other "Service Oriented" businesses just LOVE to give these things away.
Step 2: Prepare the Magnets
If you are using thin sticker material, you will want to remove the high-contrast background of the magnets. Use coarse sandpaper to scuff the image off the advertisements. Some ads will come off easily under water, others will take a little elbow grease. Be careful not to tear the magnet itself.
Once you have your low-contrast base, use a ruler to mark off strips on the magnet. I made my words a little over 1/4" wide. Cut your strips using a razor blade or a pair of scissors and start applying the strips to your sticker material, MAGNET side up. Use firm force to get good adhesion, then cut your magnet strips from the sticker material.
Once you have your low-contrast base, use a ruler to mark off strips on the magnet. I made my words a little over 1/4" wide. Cut your strips using a razor blade or a pair of scissors and start applying the strips to your sticker material, MAGNET side up. Use firm force to get good adhesion, then cut your magnet strips from the sticker material.
Step 3: Make Your Words
You should now have strips of magnet with a white base on the front. Grab your fine point marker (Sharpies rule!), and write words on the strips. Use a good variety of words, you will want:
- verbs (walk, suck, punch, etc.)
- nouns (things: child, desk, home... qualities: beauty, looks, stupidity)
- pronouns (I, you, we, them, etc.)
- conjunctions (and, but, or, etc.)
- prepositions (in, on, from, etc.)
- qualifiers (-ly, -ed, -er, etc)
Customize your words at your will, include friend's names & places personal to you. Once you have written your words down on the strips of magnet, cut them up.
- verbs (walk, suck, punch, etc.)
- nouns (things: child, desk, home... qualities: beauty, looks, stupidity)
- pronouns (I, you, we, them, etc.)
- conjunctions (and, but, or, etc.)
- prepositions (in, on, from, etc.)
- qualifiers (-ly, -ed, -er, etc)
Customize your words at your will, include friend's names & places personal to you. Once you have written your words down on the strips of magnet, cut them up.
Step 4: All Done!
Your done, put your new makewords on the fridge and create a message for all to make their message.