Introduction: DIY Micro Wood Burning Tip

About: We love k'nex, 3d printing, electronics, painting and all sorts of other cool things.

This is a simple micro wood burning tip for small wood burning projects. It works very good and doesn't take that long to make. If you have any suggestions or tips feel free to leave the below in the comments.


  1. Wood burner
  2. Screwdriver
  3. Wire cutters
  4. M3 bolt
  5. Needle

Step 1: Removing the Tip

All you have to do for this step is remove the tip of your wood burner.

Step 2: The Tip

In this step we will attach the new tip. Get the needle and stick it in the hole where the tips go and use the M3 bolt to secure it. Then cut the needle about 1CM away from the bolt. Depending on what type of wood burner you have you might need a bigger or smaller bolt.

Step 3: Testing

After the wood burner heats up you can start testing the new tip. It works really good on toothpicks and soft wood and can make very small designs. Enjoy.