Introduction: DIY Mister and Fan
Everyone has experienced it: a summer heat wave. This Diy spritzer and fan is perfect to beat the heat in the summer.
Step 1: Materials
Water Bottle
Sprayer head
Fan Blade
Jumper Wires
Step 2: Sprayer
Un-screw the cap of the water bottle and screw the sprayer head on. The sprayer I used had a nub on the bottom that causes the water to some out as a mist. I recommend using one of theses but it not necessary.
Step 3: Circuit
Connect the battery to the LinkIt ONE. Then connect the 5v and ground of the LinkIT to the motor. Then attach the fan. I constructed my blade out of cut hard plastic, but other materials could work as well. However, take into account that the blade will be hit with water, I chose plastic as it was light weight and water proof.
Step 4: Final Touches
Tape the motor on top of the sprayer head, with the blade sticking in front. Next, tape the LinkIT ONE on to the back. Voila, you're done, simply turn on the LinkIT one and spray away.