Introduction: DIY MusiLED, Music Synchronised LEDs With One-click Windows & Linux Application (32-bit & 64-bit). Easy to Recreate, Easy to Use, Easy to Port.

About: Electrical Engineer with special interest in Microcontrollers, Computers, Networking, Linux, IoT, Machine Learning

    This project will help you to connect 18 LEDs ( 6 Red + 6 Blue + 6 Yellow) to your Arduino Board and analyze your computer's Sound Card's real-time signals and relay them to the LEDs to light them up as per the beat effects (Snare, High Hat , Kick). I saw a few instructables regarding this but most are too bulky and have hard to make out codes for beginners or DIYers who want a ready DIY Project rather than having to sift through source codes for hours to make some meaning out of them. You can also use 6 strips of smd 5050 or the individually programmable RBG WS28xx series. But, their power requirements are different, so consult their datasheet if you're new to these.

    If you don't want to fiddle around with the source code and want to get one up and running in no time, you're on the right page. We'll carry out 3 (three) simple steps - Procuring the Parts, Connecting them and Firing up the windows application to Psych up your music. The Best Part is you DON'T have to install Processing or any Libraries for this & You can use any media player you want and play/pause/stop/forward/rewind right from the media player itself without having to change any code or worrying about media file extensions. Any Sound through your Sound Card is analyzed if the *.exe application is running, even when you're gaming/watching youtube/movies or maybe even when your girlfriend/boyfriend is shouting over a Skype Call. *Make Sure you close the application during intimate moments*. !! Jokes Apart !! Let's get started and complete the project in less than 20 minutes.


    You'll Need :

    a) An Arduino. ( I used a Mega2560 that I had lying around, You can use UNO or any with atleast 6 PWM Pins).

    b) 3.5mm LEDs - 18 nos. (6 Yellow + 6 Red + 6 Blue). ,OR, LED STRIP (Use only if you know what you're doing).

    c) Resistors - 220 or 150 Ohms * 6

    d) A Breadboard / Prototype Board and lots of M-M jumper cables (around 15 would be enough).


    The Bigger Leg of the LEDs denote +ve(Positive) Anode and the shorter leg is -ve(Negative) Cathode.

    Place the LEDs at sufficient distance and arrange them well for better effects. Connect the 'GND' pin on Arduino's PWM side to the Ground on Breadboard. Connect the resistors with the Cathode leg of LED in series with the Ground; and the PWM pins from arduino to the Anode Leg of LEDs. {You can fiddle around with the resistor values but make sure that you don't run the LEDs without a resistor or you might burn them}. Refer to the diagram provided for better clarification. I used the three 220 ohms resisistors for the 1st 3 set of LEDs from Left in the diagram; And three 150 ohms for the remaining 3 set of LEDs.

    Once you're done setting up your LEDs and resistors on the breadboard, connect the Arduino to your Windows PC. Open the Arduino IDE, go to File > Examples > Firmata > StandardFirmata, and upload the example sketch to your Arduino. !DONE!

    Step 3: Psych Up Your Music

      Visit my blog <a href=""></a> to get source code
     If you face problems with the application, make sure your Arduino is on "COM3", if not, then comment below with your serial/port number and I'll upload an application just for you. If Tx/Rx Lights blink, but the LEDs don't, then double-check the polarity of the LEDs and any loose or wrong wiring.<br>

    Note:- For LINUX & MAC Users - Don't Worry, I'll upload specific application for you too, just comment below with your Serial/Port Number. Windows 32-bit users will be prompted to install Java 8.

    Additional Note:- If you're not playing anything that has audio but you still connect your arduino and fire up the application, you'll get the Yellow & Red LEDs blinking in random patterns to show that the connection is right and the application works. THIS CAN BE DONE RIGHT AFTER THE 3 STEPS TO MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOWED THIS SIMPLE INSTRUCTABLE CORRECTLY. Sorry for my grammatical errors, English is not my first language. I Surely Hope someone will replicate this on 6 strips of smd5050 or ws28xx. If any of you do, share with me too.