Introduction: DIY OTG Cable

About: I love Creative Engineering. I believed that creativity is the only thing in the world, which makes you great.

Hello everyone,

We all are using smartphones in everyday. It is very useful for daily work. But in some situations I think about the USB connection to the smartphones. It will help to easily copy files from the smartphone to other device. In the case of my old smartphone, that doesn't support a USB. But all the newer smartphones are support the USBs. But for the USB connection there is a problem, the smart phone don't have a USB port. It only have a micro USB port. So for connecting the USB to the smartphone we need an adapter which convert the micro USB to ordinary USB. Its name is OTG cable. So here I explain the making of a simple DIY home made OTG cable. It does't have any costs. It need only old electronic waste items. So for this OTG cable we need no money only need a work time less than 1 hour. I believe that it is a very good 1 Hr project for you. This simple trick is very useful for every day life. Watch the above video for full making process. OK.

Lets go...


The material needed all are some old electronic waste materials. Its name is given below. The images are given in the next step. Please check that.

  • Old data cable
  • mp3 player or charger or any other PCB which contain USB female port
  • Hot glue
  • Solder wire and flux

Step 1: Tools Used

The tools which I used is given below. The above tools are not mandatory. The important tool needed is the only one which is the soldering iron. The tools which are used above is only used for a good finished work. OK. You use your available tools. Also the material images are given above.

  • Soldering station
  • Wire stripper
  • Tweezers
  • Small knife
  • Scissor

Step 2: Preparing the Materials

The two main material needed is the USB port and the data cable. In this step we cut the needed micro USB portion of the data cable and de-solder the USB port from the PCBs.

  • Cut the data cable in a length of 8 c.m from the micro USB side (this micro USB side is the needed portion) by using a wire stripper.
  • Take old damaged PCBs which contain USB female ports (eg: mp3 player, USB charger, etc.).
  • Select a good USB port and de-solder it from the PCB by using a de-soldering station or an ordinary soldering iron.

The above video explain the de-soldering of components by using ordinary soldering iron. Ensure that the 4 legs are remain after the de-soldering without any damage.

Step 3: Wire Stripping

Here I remove the outer insulation of the cut data cable (micro USB side) end by using a small knife. Then I place the wire from one side as given in the above image. Then cut the internal color coded wires at appropriate lengths. The pin-out of USB and the color coded wire is given in the next step. Then I strip the wire ends for soldering by using a wire stripper.

Step 4: Wire Pre-soldering

Here I solder the stripped end of the wire by using the soldering iron and solder wire. For a good wire connection this pre-soldering is essential. It improve the quality of the soldering. First I apply some flux to the bare wire ends and then apply solder by using a good soldering iron. Here I use a micro soldering iron. All required images are given above.

Step 5: Connecting the Wires

Here in this step I connect the color coded wires to the USB port based on the pin-out given in the above image. For the wire connection I use the soldering method. Here I use a micro soldering iron for soldering and a tweezers for holding the wire in place. If you don't have a micro soldering iron you can use an ordinary soldering iron. After the soldering double check and ensure the wire connections are correct. If the wire connections are changed, it will damage the connecting USB. OK. By completing this step we made a working OTG cable. Now test it in a smartphone. If it is not working check the wire connection or the continuity of the data-cable wire. After successfully completing this test, we going to fix the soldered wires in place to resist the mechanical stress. It is done in the next step.

Step 6: Fixing the Wires

Here I fix the soldered cables in place to resist the mechanical stress. If we don't cover the bare connections, after some usage it get damage. By covering the connections we over come this problems. For fixing the wire in place I use the hot glue. For this first I cut the hot glue rod into small piece and place it above the bare connection. Then I apply hot air to it by using de-soldering station. If you don't have it, you use the hot glue gun instead of this work. Then wait some time for setting the melted hot glue. After this you use your handmade OTG cable. If you not familiar with soldering watch my soldering tutorial video given above.

Step 7: Conclusion

Here my version is look great. You try to add more art work to it to improve the look.

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Thank you.