Introduction: DIY Over Current Protection(Protect Your Sensitive Circuits)
Hyy Friends most of our electronics circuits fail to work and draws more current from power supply/Battery and burns due to high current flow, Today we make a over current protection circuit to protect our test circuit.
Step 1: Video
Watch Video For more info
Step 2: Schematic
Assemble all components according to circuit diagram.
Step 3: Grab All Parts
- 1x LM358 Duel Channel Op-Amp
- 0.5 Ohm 10 Watt Resistor.
- DPDT Relay
- Red LED (5mm)
- 2x 20 K Ohm Resistor
- 6x 1 K Ohm Resistor.
- 10 K Ohm - 100 K Ohm Pot.
- 1N 4148 Diode.
- 2x BC547
- Tectile Switch