Introduction: DIY Paper-cut Lightbox Dioarama
Hey! I love the light box. I want to an easy light box for me :) You can make one for you or anyone :)
♥️ materials:
▫️ A4 paper
▫️ utiliti knife
▫️ a box or 3d frame
▫️ hot glue gun
▫️ cardboard
▫️ white glue
Step 1: Cut the Paper for Your Size of 3d Box.
Cut the paper for your size of 3d box. I cutted 21cm x 21cm.
Step 2: Leave 2 Cm Space at the Edges.
This step is important. If you make it, your box looks amazing and perfect :)
Step 3: Cut Your Pattern.
This pattern is optional. You can make everything. I add to the last step some photos for idea :) They are the original 'paper light box diorama'. They are not my crafts. :) My craft is just this project and video :)
Step 4: All Layers a Little Big Than Previous.
All layers a little big than previous.
Step 5: Cut All Layers for This Method.
Cut all layers for this method. Be carefull.
Step 6: Use a 3D Box
I use a chocolate box for it :) You can use 3D frame. This is optional.
Step 7: Cut the Cardboard.
Use a material for inter-layer height. I use a cardboard. This step is important, because if there is no distance between layers, the layers are unclear. Cut the cardboard 0.5 cm. This is enough for height.
Step 8: Glue All Layers and Cardboards.
Turn the inner side of the box. Firtsly glue the biggest layer and add some cardboard liners for 4 sides. and again glue 2nd layer (this layer a little small than the biggest layer). and again cardboard liners and 3rd layer and again again again :) I used the hot glue gun. You can use any glue. But of course you know, hot glu gun is super fast :)
Step 9: Paste the Last Layer of Pattern.
My pattern is that. Paste the last layer of pattern. And add a white paper for the end of box.
Step 10: It Looks Like That.
It looks like that.
Step 11: My Paper Cut Light Box Is Ready :)
You can add a led light strip for back of box. This is optional but I recommend the led light strip.
Step 12: Sample Studies for Ideas
They are instagram: @harianddeepti
Step 13: You Can Watch My Video for All Details of All Steps.
Please don't forget write a comment :) Thank you so much. Hope you like it.