Introduction: DIY Peltier Beverage Cooler Box

About: My profile is about making most use out of something and optimum utilization of resources available,dedicated to D.I.Y (Do it yourself) Projects.Easy Hacks,DIY Experiments, Myth Busters & More

Hello Everyone,

In this Instructables I have a Made Beverage Cooler Box Using a Peltiers

Thermoelectric coolers operate by the Peltier effect (which also goes by the more general name thermoelectric effect). The device has two sides, and when a DC electric current flows through the device, it brings heat from one side to the other, so that one side gets cooler while the other gets hotter. The "hot" side is attached to a heat sink so that it remains at ambient temperature, while the cool side goes below room temperature. In some applications, multiple coolers can be cascaded together for lower temperature.

This is not the ideal Way of making the cooler box however I have tried my best Using the Parts & resources Available You can make it better.

Step 1: Parts I Used

1 X Styrofoam box

2 x Peltier TEC1-12706 ( I have used one TEC1-12715(Higher Amps) & TEC12706)

2 CPU Heat Sinks

2 x Small Heat Sink for cold side

2 x High Speed CPU Fans

Epoxy Glue


Hot Glue Gun

Silicon Sealent

f you're looking to buy Peltiers Or Good heat sinks please check the links below

Step 2: Placement & Markings

I Have mounted the Peltiers on the Styrofoam box Lid

So made a Square Cut in the Center to Fit the Heat Sink.

Later I found out that I should have used a A Bigger Heat Sink I will Put International Purchase links for Better Heat Sinks In my Channel

But Still I managed to do a Work Around with it

Step 3: Place the Heat Sink

I Made Cut in the centre Bigger to place the Heat-sink in Properly in the centre.

As the Heatsink was Completely submerged inside the Lid so made few ventilation on the outer side to keep the Hot side cool( You can see the 5th image for reference)

Step 4: Sealing & Placement of Heatsink

If you Check the the Images The Heat is place and on top of it I placed the Peltier.

Now the Type of Heat Sink Im using is a Processor Heat Sink so I Generously Applied some Silicon Sealant on the Corners of the Peltier so no cold air could escape check the 7th Image for reference

Step 5: Placing the Heatsink on the Cold Side

Once the Silicon dried up I placed the Small heatsink on the cold side after applying some Thermal grease and applied Epoxy glue on the edges of the Peltier so it fixed.

Then i used the outer cover of the Old cpu fan and stuck on the lid which cover the peltier & it will also act a a pedestal for the CPU FAN which is going to be placed on top

Step 6: Repeat the Step

As I'm using a Big cooler box So I placed two Peltiers You can also use one Peltier If you planning to make small Cooler

As the Second Heatsink was little different from the first one so I used Sun-board and stuck it nearby the peltiers ( Please check the Image 3)

Step 7: Placing the Heat-sink on the Cold Side

So now I placed the Second heat sink on the cold side & then Placed Fans on top

And applied some silicon sealant on the to get some extra sealing

(If you work with Silicon sealant then please use it in open space with a Safety Mask as the fumes are not good)

Step 8: Wiring & Powering On

So Now you need some Hig amp Power supply the easiest option is PC ATX Supply

So in this circuit There 4 fans & two Peltiers

I connected fans in pair of two & Gave individual power supplies for peltiers

For Peltiers I would suggest you to use XT60 connected or and pins which can take High Amps

You can Easily Switch on the PC SMPS by making jumper from the Green & Black Wire ( The big plug which goes into the mother board you will find a green wire which will be 4th from the right & black wire which is fifth from the right) all you have to do is connect 4th & 5th wire If you find it confusing then there are lot of videos available on internet on how to turn on SMPS without connecting to motherboard.

I used the 12 volts ( Yellow & Black) to power the peltiers

Step 9: Testing

I connected the CPU fans in the pair of two and used the Wires for the SATA HDD and DVDRW

The yellow & the Black (Yellow is Positive & Black is GND) Connect the Yellow to the Red wire of the peltier

So once I powered it on It took 30 mins to actually see the condensation happening inside the Box

So After 2 1/2 hrs the temperature came down to 22.5 degrees Celsius So hold the cooling I filled 1/4 of the box with water the results where better it came down to 18 degree Celsius.

You can use this outdoors aswell with little tweaking you can attach it in your camper van

If you planning to make one then please check the affiliate links mentioned in my Youtube channel

Over there i have mentioned the right options for the Project

Thank you for watching