Introduction: DIY Perfect Slime Without Borax or Liquid Starch

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I have watched a lot of slime making DIYs and most of them included borax. But the problem is I don't have access to borax. So I have tried many slime recipes and finally found the perfect one!

You will only need 3 ingredients:

1. Laundry detergent powder

2. Clear Glue

3. Water


1. Pour the clear glue in a mixing bowl. Set aside.

2. Put 1 tablespoon of laundry detergent powder in another mixing bowl. Add a tablespoon of water. Then mix well.

3. Slowly add the laundry detergent mixture to the clear glue. Mix carefully until you see it form a soft clump.

4. Gather the clump and knead with your hands until you see the slime form!

Watch the video here!