Introduction: DIY Plastic Bag Flowers

About: I'm a hippie flower child who loves Led Zeppelin, music in general (seriously though, I'll listen to anything! <3) nature, summertime, and thunderstorms. :)

Hey y'all! Are you a fan of 'weird' DIYs? Are you allergic to flowers? Well, keep reading to find out how to make these lovely hypoallergenic flowers. ;)

Step 1: This One's in the Bag!


For this DIY you need the following:

-Plastic bags

-Pipe cleaners

-Floral tape



Step 2: A Sharpie, a Bag, and a Square Walk Into a Bar...


Grab your template, Sharpie, and your bag. Trace around the template and carefully cut the squares out.

Step 3: Bloomin' Where You're Placed

Is how you thrive. ;) #advicefromcraftychica

Now grab your pipe cleaner and your floral tape, and wrap the tape around the pipe cleaner. Fold your stack of squares accordion style and wrap one end of it around them. Cut the end of the petals any way you like. I did a V. Carefully open up the petals and fluff them up. Finally, place them in a vase or funky bottle and enjoy!

Thank you for checking this DIY out! If you make this, hit me up on Twitter @The_CraftyChica. :)