Introduction: DIY Bench Power Supply
Fully 3D Printed Power Supply. Here I am building a Modern look Power Supply with Max 240Watt Output.
-Multi USB hub
-Multiple Output Voltage
-RGB Light
-Modern Look
1) Power Supply 24v 10A
2) Connectors (Your choice)
XT60 - Male and Female - Pcs
DC Power Jack Socket Female and Male 2.1x5.5mm - Pcs
3) Screws : 20x3 mm, 20x5mm, 40x5mm
4) Wires
5) Push latching Switch
6) Acrylic Sheet 36 x 22 cm and 2mm thick
7) 3D printed parts
8) 12v Fan
9) Power Control Circuit - DPS3012
10) 3A 250V AC SPST ON-OFF Round Rocker Switch – 3 Pcs
11) LM2596 DC to DC Step Down 12v to 5v
12) LED Strip 12v
Step 1: Design in Fusion360
3D Designed in Fusion360 Software
Step 2: 3D Printed Parts
Step 3: Painting
Step 4: Join the Base
Join each parts using Super Glue.
Step 5: Join the Main Body
Use Screws 20x3mm for joining two Parts.
Step 6: Join the Base to Main Body
Join the base and main body with long screws 40x5mm or super glue.
Step 7: Join the Handle to Main Body
Use screws 20x5mm to join the handle to the main body.
Step 8: Attach the Fan to Back Lid
Use screws to attach the fan to the back Lid
Step 9: Attach Power Supply on the Main Body
Use Super Glue to join the power supply on the main body.
Step 10: Prepare the Cable With XT60 Connector Female
Make the cables connector Female with a wire length near 50cm. (2 Pairs)
Step 11: Prepare the Cable With DC Power Jack Connector Female
Make the cables connector Female with a wire length near 50cm. (2 Pairs)
Step 12: Insert All Front Components
Insert LCD Display, USB Hub, XT60 Female Cable Connector, DC Jack Female Cable Connector, and Switches as shown in the image.
Step 13: Attach Power Control Board
Step 14: Wire Harness 24v Power Wires
Use super glue to stick the wire with the main body.
Step 15: Wire Harness of 12v and 5v Power Wire
Use PVC Pipe For Guiding And Hide Small Wires
Step 16: LM2596 Dc to Dc Step Down for Powering the USB Hub
LM2596 Dc to Dc Step Down for powering the USB Hub.
Step 17: Attach Back Lid Using Screws
Step 18: Attach LED Strip to Bottom of Power Supply
Step 19: Acrylic Sheet 36 X 22 Cm and 2mm Thick
Make holes of 3mm diameter and depth of 20mm on the side of the main body and use the screw to attach the acrylic sheet.