Introduction: "DIY" Room Temperature & Humidity Module Using Arduino Uno
This instructable explains the operation of the Temperature & Humidity module. The module is designed and built by myself. Its has a digital Temperature and Humidity sensor (DHT11) embedded in it. This sensor helps the module to acquire the temperature as well as the Humidity of a room. The results acquired is then displayed on the LCD screen. Threshold are set and when ever the threshold are exceed there is an alarm activated to prompt people nearby.
Thanks and hope you enjoy it.
Step 1: Setting Up the Device
Putting up all the necessary device like the Arduino Uno, the LCD display,the DH11 digital temperature and humidity sensor, as well as the buzzer and the RGB led.
Step 2: Packaging
Putting the whole module into its' package for use.
Step 3: Final Presentation
Finally the packing is ready for use
Step 4: Video of the Project
Hope you guy enjoy the video. Don't forget to subscribe and share my YOUTUBE video on my channel.
Step 5: The Arduino Code to Run the Module
Attached is the arduino code used to run the module. Also you need to attach the DH11 library code which could be downloaded from github. Try this link if not you could search for the stable library.