Introduction: DIY Snowman | Stop Car Windows Steaming Up
I show you how to make a Snowman with a Sock, they stop Car Windows from Steaming up and low the interior Humidity.
You can make to Gift someone you like, its Useful, Nice and Free. ;D
Step 1: Take a Sock and Cut Like This
Step 2: Fill With Litter Sand
Step 3: Make One Knot to Close Upside
Step 4: And a Knot in the Middle, Not Full Tight Just to Make the Form
Step 5: Cut This Part and Make a Knot by the Side You Cut
Step 6: Put This in the Head
Step 7: 2 Bottons With Glue
Step 8: A Pretty Scarf
Step 9: And What You Have for Eyes and Nose
I use the end of a orange string for the nose, and two screws for the eyes in this one.