Introduction: DIY Soda Can Knife

This instructible will show you how to make a DIY knife out of common household materials

Step 1: What You Need

Aluminium Cans (the more the better)
Razor knife
Liquid soap
Cutting board
Popsicle sticks
Hot glue

Step 2: Let's Get Started

Start by pouring water int a bowl and adding some liquid soap
Next stir the soap into the water (keep in mind that this instructible is about being recourscful)
Then put your cans in the soapy water and rinse them out

Step 3: Preparing Your Cans

For this step you have to be carful!!!
Cut off the tops and bottoms of the cans with your exacto knife

Step 4: Cut the Can

Next you simply cut the can down the middle

Step 5: Start the Knife

For this step you want to start cutting the actual knife shape out.
Start by making a cut like this

Step 6: Support

You have probably noticed that the knife is very flimsy, so what you want to do is hot glue a Popsicle stick to the handle of the knife on each side.
Then cut a Popsicle stick in half and glue it to the top half of the knife and connect the tow with another half Popsicle stick

Step 7: Handle

This handle is made by cutting a piece of leftover can to the same length of the handle and wrapped around then secured with hot glue

Step 8: Finish

Cut a piece of aluminum an long as the blade and glue it around the back of the blade to make the back of the blade dull
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