Introduction: DIY Soldering Station for HAKKO 907

I am presenting a project that I duplicated of a very skilled guy, a welding station using a soldering iron HAKKO 907.

Is a very inexpensive project to do. I spent little money to do this project. To have a comparison, I spent to make this project was about the money I give for a simple iron (not station)

Step 1: Materials

You will see how this is relatively cheap

1- Iron Hakko 907 (you can find easily on ebay, replicas work well)

2 - Power Supply 24V (more current power supply has, the faster will be the iron with achieving the desired temperature)


4- IRF1310 (or similar)

5- Prototype PCB

6- 3xDisplay 7segment

7- 3xSwitch

8- LM358

9- Buzzer

10- Diode (4007)

11- Some resistors

Step 2: Schematic and Firmware

Like I said, I duplicated this project. It was not made by me, I make available everything that I used.

Step 3: Mounting the Circuit

I chose to mount the circuit in breadboard to study the operation only after I moved to mount a pcb prototype.

One advantage is that I set up the pcb prototype already with iron Hakko

I have been studying the operation of the heating temperature. and made various calibrations (200, 250, 300 and 400 degrees celsius)

Calibration is done with the help of a potentiometer.

but I after mounting all the pcb had to make a new calibration

Step 4: The Box

I got a small box and adapted it. The box is made by aluminum and plastic (front and rear)

At the front did a slot to put the 7-segment display also put the potentiometer (blue), and finally a switch on / off. Later put a record the Hakko iron, plug and play.

Step 5: Power Supply

As I said, the power supply must be 24V. I used a 24V / 4.2A.

You can use a charger of a laptop, but I do not advise. It is very slow to with achieving the desired temperature. Moreover can not reach 400 ° C.

Step 6: Conclusion

I have to say it's best soldering iron I've ever had.

The iron itself is cheap, about 5 €, I bought a few more tips that cost about € 5 the power supply already had at home. The rest of the components I not spent more than 5 €.

What would change:

It was a bigger box, so could put the power supply and control all together.

change the wire soldering iron. I found it a bit hard. Change to a more malleable.

For the rest think is optimal.

The maximum I could with this power supply was 480 degrees, not bad.

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