Introduction: DIY Thaumatropes

About: Photographer | Blogger | Book Lover | Vintage Enthusiast | Instagram: @momo.davis Pinterest: @momodaviss

Hey everybody, it's momo and today I'll be making a craft that makes a perfect and simple gift (DIY stocking stuffers anyone?) You probably haven't heard this name before, but you definitely have seen it! A thaumatrope is a double sided image that when spun very quickly, appears to conform into one image. This only uses three basic materials; paper, glue, and string! This is probably the easiest and most simple intstuctable I have done so far, so I hope you have fun making these

Step 1: Supplies

Choose a template:

~Heart template

~Firefly template

~Diamonds and cat template

You will also need:


~Glue stick

~String or fishing wire

Step 2: Cut

Begin by selecting your preferred template. Print it and cut the circles out.

Step 3: Poke in Holes

Next pokes holes into the circles. All of the templates are different so the location depends on which one you have selected.

Step 4: Glue

Glue the two pieces together, making sure one is upside down. If the images are both right side up, then the two images will not line up correctly.

Step 5: Thread the String

Loop a piece of string through each hole and tighten.

Step 6: 完

And that is IT. These crafts are so simple and adorable and they make perfect gifts for anyone that appreciates the little things in life :) I hope y'all enjoyed this tutorial and had fun checking it out! If you haven't already, subscribe, become a member of the farm family and give a cow it's wings! Love y'all •_£