Introduction: DIY: Tinted Lip Balm

Do you have a ton Lipsticks that you hate ?

Do you feel guilty throwing them away ?

Well look no further 20 something's guide has a solution to all your girly first world problems . It's winter time (at least here in freezing New Delhi) and for most of us this means its chap-stick and lip balm season. But if you are like us and feel like that all the lip -balms in the market aren't pigmented enough than this DIY is right up your ally.

You will need :

1) An old Lipstick

2) A pot of Vaseline

3) Vitamin E tablets

4) Coconut oil / Argon Oil (whichever you have at home)

5) A small box (To store the lip balm)

Watch a detailed video on how we created this Lip tint and our live reaction on the product check out our YouTube channel.

Step 1:

Take a small mixing bowl, cover it with foil if you don't want it to get dirty. Next scoop out all the Vaseline into the small bowl, then cut the lipstick add to the Vaseline. Then cut open one Vitamin E tablet, let the liquid ooze out.Vitamin E is very moisturizing and good for skin. If you have any oil at home you can add a tea spoon at this point.

Step 2:

Create a double broiler by placing your mixing bowl in a pan full of water. Now on slow heat mix all the all the ingredients together. Remove from heat once the mixture comes to thick molten consistency.

Step 3:

Pour hot liquid into a small box you want to set the Lip tint in. Put the box in the fridge for for 5-10 minutes depending the weather. Once you take it out the product is ready for use.

Bye Loves!!