Introduction: DIY Variable Power Supply
DIY lab bench power supply made with LM317.
Easy to bulit.
Safe no transformer.No HIGH VOLTAGE.
Step 1: Gather Every Coponents
3.3k R1
240 ohms
5k Potentiometer
3300uF,50v C1
Binding Post
DC jack
12v 1A Adapter.
Heat sink
A plastic case
Perf Board
Step 2: Placing the Components in Pref Board
Place the capacitor , resistor and LM317.
And solder all the components.
Step 3: Assembling Everything in Case
Assembly everything in the case.
Mark lines on the front of the case for holes.
Drill holes for the the Binding post, potentiometer,DC jack.
And screw the the Binding post, potentiometer,DC jack.