DIY Weekend QuadcoptersBy AJ_Smoothie in CircuitsRemote Control5,309116Favorite Every maker's weekend should be filled with projects. Here I've added some of my favorite quadcopters for you to see. Every maker's weekend should be filled with projects. Here I've added some of my favorite quadcopters for you to see. The Complete Guide to RC Electronicsby biolethal in Remote ControlHow to Make a Multirotor or Hybrid With a Laser Cutter or a Vacuum Formerby Jared_Reabow in Remote ControlMicro FPV Quadby sqij in Remote ControlLaser Cut MultiWii Based Quadcopterby dylanfm in Remote ControlSturdy Quadcopter Buildby Chris_Schroeder in Remote ControlInexpensive Wooden Tri-copter!by peterson79 in Remote ControlCheap, Sturdy, 1-Hour Quadcopterby marhar in RobotsBuilding an ArduCopterby hxwhxw in Remote ControlPCB Quadrotor (Brushless)by scolton in Remote ControlBrushless Gimbal for Aerial Photography Dronesby oesti in Remote ControlGoPro Pan-N-Tilt RCby Wallaby13 in Remote ControlIndestructible Drones for Dummies the Key to Real Stable Flightsby treyes4 in Arduino