Introduction: DIY Werewolf Costume (A Werewolf Army for $47)

About: No one of consequence. Indie Filmmaker. Producer of Monster Cops The Series and Writer and Director of the indie Sci-Fi Feature REDD.

See these beasts die in action

How I made the Wolf Beast(s) for my short film Redd (Red Riding Hood Action Horror).

I started with the head. Built it out of cardboard, then duct tape, faux fur, hot glue, plastic table cover, yarn, and a couple of red leds for the eyes. Built a body out of wire hangers, a back pack, and more plastic table cover. Total budget around $47.

Hopefully when we make the feature, I can raise a bit more money and make a better body for it.

Multiplied the Wolf using Sony Vegas Pro 9.

Check out the REDD Film Project over at Facebook.