Introduction: DIY Witch House Using Recycled Cardboard.
In this video I'll show you how a "Haunted House" only from recycled cardboard to Amazon's shipping boxes :-)
I only bought colors and hot glue. It took me about six days to do it, not always working on it, but a few hours a day every now and then.
Step 1: Cut the Parts.
Take a cardboard box recycled, and cut the parts (wall with windows and door, roof, etc)
I started designing and cutting the walls of the house in the house, the advice to cut the windows and the door before starting to assemble the structures.
Step 2: Glue the Parts
First I glued the walls and the roof. Then I made the fireplace on a wall and the dormer window. I added some basic elements like windows and door.
Step 3: Put the Details.
When the basic shape was finished, I started to add smaller details like this is simpler. I tried to put them in a messy way to make the witches' house look realistically old and untidy.
Step 4: Color.
Cardboard is very good as a material as it is rough and adds a realistic texture when it is colored. I used acrylic colors.
Step 5: Finish.
I hope you enjoyed my video and had the inspiration to start your projects. Have a good time!